RTX 3080FE官方商店被秒殺搶空,香港深水埗、灣仔區等賣場和一些網購均能買到RTX 3080。
隨NVIDIA RTX 3080在17日解禁,世界各地零售商鋪開始供貨,香港深水埗、灣仔等賣場,一些網購上能輕易看到RTX 3080上架。
國外零售門市在解禁前,已出現排隊買RTX 3080人龍,另一邊NVIDIA官方商店也賣RTX 3080 Founders Edition,不過官方商店的庫存一上架馬上被清空,甚至有人說能進到網頁已經很好運。
外國網友發現eBay上,有人正在出售他利用「機械人」搶到的RTX 3080 FE顯卡,而這些黃牛將售價炒高來賣,最高炒到$50,000元。
“This morning we saw unprecedented demand for the GeForce RTX 3080 at global retailers, including the NVIDIA online store. At 6 a.m. pacific we attempted to push the NVIDIA store live. Despite preparation, the NVIDIA store was inundated with traffic and encountered an error. We were able to resolve the issues and sales began registering normally.
To stop bots and scalpers on the NVIDIA store, we’re doing everything humanly possible, including manually reviewing orders, to get these cards in the hands of legitimate customers.
Over 50 major global retailers had inventory at 6 a.m. pacific. Our NVIDIA team and partners are shipping more RTX 3080 cards every day to retailers.
We apologize to our customers for this morning’s experience.”